Fertility Awareness for Achieving Pregnancy
Know when you're fertile and time intercourse or insemination to maximize your chances of conceiving. Assess your menstrual health and support your body in the preconception phase before resorting to expensive fertility treatments.
Take the guessing out of conceiving.
Deciding to conceive is embarking on the journey of a lifetime.
Nothing changes your life like being a parent.
Did you know that your current menstrual health determines the early development of your embryo?
Taking the time to assess your health, and to tackle menstrual health concerns, will help you conceive when you're ready.
It will also set you up for a successful adjustment to early parenthood in the 4th trimester. Any parent will tell you, setting yourself and your body up for a good transition is worth its weight in gold!
Whether you're thinking of conceiving in the next few years, or you have already been trying for some time, Fertility Awareness is a helpful tool to support your journey.
I am here to lend a holistic perspective to where you might be in your conception journey, and support your next steps.
Did you know?
It takes about 6 - 18 months for your body to return to normal fertility after using hormonal birth control. ​
It takes the average couple of normal fertility about 4 months to conceive, and 80% of people with normal fertility conceive within 12 months of trying. ​
Age is only one factor of many that impacts your fertility. If you haven't reached your mid 40s, other factors might be even more important in your individual ability to conceive, including:
nutrition (do you have any nutrient deficiencies?)
digestive health (is your gut biome out of balance?)
liver function (can your body process toxins effectively?)
metabolic & adrenal health (do you regularly feel able to manage stress? Are you generally in a good mood? or do you feel sluggish and experience specific food cravings?)
mental health (who is in your support team? Do you feel capable of entering into parenthood? How are you coping with day to day life?) ​
menstrual health (do you have regular periods? are you ovulating?)
and so. much. more!
I bet you've received lots of pressure around age as a factor. Probably before you even knew you wanted to become a parent.
As a society we tend to forget that pregnancy is only the first step, and our overall health also dictates how we show up as parents.
The truth is only you have all the information about you, your body, and your physical and spiritual readiness to welcome a new being into your life.
You deserve nonjudgmental support to help you sort out what you need to become the best parent you can be. ​It takes a village to raise children, and it takes a village to nurture parents.
If you are lucky enough to know you want to be pregnant before you conceive, the best thing you can do is assess your overall health, and set yourself up to become a parent when you're at your most nourished, supported, and empowered. Joining the Bodywise community, and tuning into your own body, can do help you do just that.
If you are coming off birth control, learning with the Bodywise community will equip you with the knowledge you need to support the return of your fertility, and avoid conceiving until you're seeing healthy cycle parameters.
If you've already been trying to conceive for someone time, we can assess your menstrual health together, and determine a plan to support your conception journey. This includes expert referrals in the event that you could use some medical intervention. ​
Knowing Fertility Awareness will equip you with the knowledge to assess your menstrual cycle health, and I will support you to target any interventions you might need to get back to wellness.
Becoming a parent is becoming a different version of yourself. You deserve an empowered experience, and to go on this journey with the genuine love and care of community support. You don't have to go through this alone! ​

When you learn with Bodywise, you get...
Community support of like-minded folks
Access to pre-recorded content that you can refer to again and again
A Bodywise Charting Kit with everything you need to start charting your cycles (charts, thermometer, cheat sheets)
Access to biweekly Live Group Q&A calls with me
3 months of FREE charting with Read Your Body App
Choose Your Own Adventure
A Self-Directed Journey
4-month self-paced program, with live biweekly group support
For you if...
You learn best by going at your own pace
You're a self-motivated learner
You don't want to commit to learning with a group
You don't have debilitating menstrual health concerns or health conditions that need immediate attention
Guided Group Learning
3-month group intensive, then 6 months of live group and individual support
For you if...
You learn best with the structure of live calls
You benefit from group motivation
You want to meet others and learn in a small group environment
You have some menstrual health concerns and could use 1:1 support

A Self-Directed Journey
4-month self-paced program, with live biweekly group support
Access to prerecorded sessions - Go at your own pace​
Bodywise Charting Kit ​
4-month access to biweekly Live Q&A calls. ​​
4-month access to the Bodywise community ​
Continue being part of the community and biweekly live Q&A calls for $7/month (Optional). ​​​

Guided Group Learning
3-month group intensive, then 6 months of live group and individual support
Group Learning - 4 sessions of live virtual instruction​
​Bodywise Charting Kit ​
9-month access to biweekly Live Q&A calls.​​
9-month access to the Bodywise community ​​​
Two Live group sessions of content to support preconception health - Topics include nutrition for enhanced fertility and breast/chestfeeding, exercise, perinatal mental health, etc. ​
Two 1:1 follow ups - Personalized chart review, questions, sexual and reproductive health counselling and emotional support. ​
Continue being part of the community and biweekly live Q&A calls for $7/month (Optional).
A note about pricing
Sliding scale, barter, and extended payment plans are available for Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, non-binary, 2SLGBTQ folks, and those with additional accessibility needs.
Feel free to get in touch for sliding scale and other pricing arrangements. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.